If you are buying a car we can help reduce the risk to you, by performing a Pre-purchase Inspection.

For $115, it can help give you peace of mind that the car you are buying is in good condition. It takes about an hour to carry out the inspection, this is not a Warrant of Fitness check but an overall inspection to provide you with information on the general condition of the vehicle. It involves a visual check over, on the ground, on the hoist and a test drive.

If there is anything specific you want checked, just ask.

Not in Hamilton but need a reliable, honest opinion about a car you are buying in Hamilton? No problem, we can arrange an appointment and payment over the phone, if you can organise getting the vehicle to us. 
We can then email you a copy of the report and have the technician available to run through the report with you over the phone and answer any questions. 


Over 70 years worth of experience between our technicians and Certifiers. You can trust we can sort any job, on any vehicle. 


4 Wickham Street
Hamilton 3204

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